Re: password backdoors

Aleph One (
Fri, 12 May 1995 00:22:06 -0500 (CDT)

You are talking about the crypto file system. It does use NFS to loopback
and mount the encrypted directory in the localhost. The encryption is on 
a per mounted directory basis (so its not good for multi-user systems) 
and does not have compression.


On Thu, 11 May 1995, Lee J. Silverman wrote:

> I'll feel terrible if I screw this up, but I think his name is Matt Blaze
> and I *think* he works for AT&T) wrote a secure filesystem that uses NFS
> on the local machine to interact with an encrypted filesystem.  I do not
> remember if the encryption is done on a per-user or per partition basis,
> but in any case, if you're really interested in keeping someone with
> physical access to the machine from getting at your files, you could use
> an encrypted filesystem.  Does anyone know if that system also does
> compression? 
> 	As you can tell, my information is sketchy.  I'm sure someone with
> more information will post and tell us where we can learn more. 
> Lee Silverman
> Network: Any thing reticulated or decussated, at equal distances,
>          with interstices between the intersections.  -- S. Johnson